Ratings and reviews for:

Who is God?

New Day Dance Academy Dance Performance

Who is God? image

Reviews & ratings


5.0 / 5.0 based on 31 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

Jun 11, 2024
by: Brianne Morris

How did you like the event?

Jun 10, 2024
by: Angela McCabe

How did you like the event?

   Beautiful work and a beautiful message / theme

Jun 04, 2024
by: Ashley Roldan

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Alyse Murphy

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Ashley Leonard

How did you like the event?

   Really enjoyed watching all the dancers and teachers perform. Beautifully done !

Jun 03, 2024
by: Barbara Garcia

How did you like the event?

     Everything was amazing and beautiful thank you New Day 💖

Jun 03, 2024
by: Lindsey OBerry

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Ashley Skipper

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Becky Karns

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Valerie Yusko

How did you like the event?

 Such an amazing production! I felt the presence of the Lord the entire time! I didn’t even know I could during a performance like this but I did! Thank you for sharing your talents with the world this way!

Jun 03, 2024
by: Melina Fernandez

How did you like the event?

   It was beautiful and amazing

Jun 03, 2024
by: Mary Thomas

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Sarah Hayes

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Elaine Russo

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Jenny Starts

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Kathleen Rosman

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Amber Effland

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Lauren Dunckley

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Michelle Koski

How did you like the event?

   You nailed it! I was sceptical about dance being a means to glorify the Lord. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was not optimistic. You convinced me that , yes He can be glorified through the art of dance. You showed me that modest dance apparel can be beautiful and honor Him. The shownot only glorified the Lord, but the choreography, narration, and lightning was high quality. I expected much less from a small Christian dance academy. Thank you for a wonderful show!!!

Jun 03, 2024
by: Nicole Schwegler

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Nicole Crocker

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Debbie Smith

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Kristine Delarm

How did you like the event?

Jun 03, 2024
by: Melissa Britt

How did you like the event?

   Amazing! Talented Dancers! LOVE ❤️ the focus on God...Beautiful and BLESSED! Thank you for a wonderful event! Even purchased a BEAUTIFUL PAINTING of "The Father's Love" Can't wait to get it framed!

Jun 02, 2024
by: Betty Ann Suder

How did you like the event?

Jun 02, 2024
by: Jamie Wilson

How did you like the event?

Jun 02, 2024
by: Marcela Johansen

How did you like the event?

Jun 02, 2024
by: Christine Van Well

How did you like the event?

Jun 02, 2024

How did you like the event?

Jun 02, 2024
by: Angel Chapman

How did you like the event?

   Excellent! We are honored to be a part of this program. Thank you for all you do. Blessings.

Jun 02, 2024
by: Jennifer Bechtel
Reviews source: Reviews for Who+is+God%3f

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