Ratings and reviews for:

VIP Area - Sunday July 21, 2024

VIP Area - Sunday July 21, 2024 image

Reviews & ratings


5.0 / 5.0 based on 3 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

   Once again turned away from the Capitol parking - was told it was only for handicapped. I must have misunderstood your info about parking. I'm sorry there were not more people in VIP seating! Maybe better to skip it next year and just ask the people who did buy tickets to make a donation next year? By the way, I loved the sight of everyone with their lights on. There were a lot of people, and a lot of lights!

Jul 23, 2024
by: Joanne Lawson

How did you like the event?

       Lori very helpful

Jul 22, 2024
by: Donald Hyman

How did you like the event?

Jul 21, 2024
by: Marc Roberts
Reviews source: Reviews for VIP+Area+-+Sunday+July+21%2c+2024

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