Ratings and reviews for:

The British Pageant 2023

Event Flyer

British Pageant 2023

LOCATION: Grounds of the Preston Temple

The British pageant is a large-scale community theatre project that brings together over 500 volunteers to share a theatrical presentation through acting, dance and music. There is a country fair with many olden day activities and dancing accompanied by a live folk band before entering the theatre for the live performance comprising 150 performers of all ages and from all areas of the U.K. and Ireland.

The Pageant tells the inspiring story of Heber C. Kimball and other missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who, in 1837, sailed from the United States of America to England to preach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Find out more about the British Pageant by clicking on the link below.
There is no charge to attend the Pageant however tickets will be required to ensure visitors may be assured of reserved seats to ensure comfort and prevent dissapointment. See more details below. 

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All sales are final (No returns)

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No exchange

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Reviews & ratings


4.82 / 5.0 based on 937 reviews

Reviews source: Reviews for The+British+Pageant+2023

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