Ratings and reviews for:

The Beatles


Event Flyer

Britain’s Finest delivers a show that captures the spontaneity, charm, wit, and youthful appearance of The Beatles, as if they’d just walked off the set of their appearance on The Ed Sullivan show, perform in period-perfect costumes that capture the look of the band in their heyday. The high-energy performances of Britain’s Finest show the enthusiasm that the Beatles had during their iconic 1960’s performances. Britain’s Finest truly stirs up the fresh, energetic rawness which only The Beatles in person brought in the past. 

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All sales are final (No returns)

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Exchange / upgrade accepted within the same event (no money back) Click here to go to the event

Exchange / upgrade accepted up to 2 hours before the event.

The Beatles image

Reviews & ratings


4.62 / 5.0 based on 481 reviews

Reviews source: Reviews for The+Beatles

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