Ratings and reviews for:

Star Wars: The Musical

Star Wars: The Musical image

Reviews & ratings


4.6 / 5.0 based on 9 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?


Jul 21, 2024
by: Stefanie Savory

How did you like the event?


Aug 03, 2023
by: Cindy Grower

How did you like the event?

   I haven't laughed so much in a long time and the singing was amazing.

Feb 13, 2023
by: Michelle Damiano

How did you like the event?


Feb 13, 2023
by: Jane Hudson

How did you like the event?

  I just had to come for a second night! Again, so many laughs and a wonderful production!!

Feb 11, 2023
by: Martha Auslander

How did you like the event?

   The show was fantastic. Cast and crew did a fabulous job. Very entertaining.

Feb 10, 2023
by: Thomas Porter

How did you like the event?

  OMG!!!!! So much fun! So much talent! Really enjoyed it so much! Would've gone to the Fri and Sat shows too if they weren't sold out. Obi Wan was amazing!!!!!! His voice. His stage presence...phenomenal!

Feb 10, 2023
by: Mary Paye

How did you like the event?

   So.Much.Fun! I laughed so hard my face hurt!

Feb 10, 2023
by: Patricia McMonagle

How did you like the event?


Feb 10, 2023
by: Shannon Wicks
Reviews source: Reviews for Star+Wars%3a+The+Musical

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