Ratings and reviews for:

Sound People

Event Flyer

Sound People é um grupo de músicos de 3 continentes que trazem o Blues, o Rock Clássico e a Bossa Nova a Portugal. O seu som único irá alegrar a vossa noite e tocar os vossos corações. Divirtam-se!


Sound People is a group of accomplished musicians from 3 continents bringing Blues, Classic Rock, and Bossa Nova to Portugal. Their unique sound will brighten your evening and touch your hearts. Enjoy it!


Returns Policy:

Returns accepted up to 48 hours before the event.

Service charges may apply for the return of tickets as follows:

  1. Return for store credit: 0.00% of the ticket price is deducted
  2. Refund to your credit card: 0.00% of the ticket price is deducted

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

Exchange / upgrade accepted within the same event (no money back) Click here to go to the event

Exchange / upgrade accepted up to 24 hours before the event.

Sound People image

Reviews & ratings

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Reviews source: Reviews for Sound+People

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