Ratings and reviews for:

Pete Floyd

Pete Floyd image

Reviews & ratings


4.5 / 5.0 based on 4 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

   Pete Floyd show was great! Loved the theater and all staff members were amazing! Just got tixs for James Brown tribute band this Friday. Can’t wait!

Jan 24, 2024
by: Janyce Svoboda

How did you like the event?

   An hour earlier show time would be great.

Jan 22, 2024
by: Cindy Andruss

How did you like the event?

Jan 21, 2024
by: Kevin Moos

How did you like the event?

   Love the group. If Pink Floyd was still touring today, they would probably sound like Pete Floyd!!

Jan 20, 2024
by: Walter Davis
Reviews source: Reviews for Pete+Floyd

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