Ratings and reviews for:

New York Tenors

New York Tenors image

Reviews & ratings


4.4 / 5.0 based on 9 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

   Fabulous show!

Oct 16, 2022
by: Susan Mandiberg

How did you like the event?


Oct 16, 2022
by: Alice Miata

How did you like the event?

   Loved the event but not my seats. I chose second row center aisle seats which were available according to your seating chart which I am very knowledgeable about this venue. My seats were second row but all the way at the end of the aisle, the last two. According to you the seats I chose right center aisle would have been 3 and 4. I had seats 16 and 18. You are remiss and at fault! At the venue when I complained they told me I should have ordered through their phone number

Oct 16, 2022
by: Melba Molson

How did you like the event?

Oct 16, 2022
by: Claire Paccione

How did you like the event?

   WONDERFUL...even better than I expected

Oct 16, 2022
by: Maria Farren

How did you like the event?

     The performance was outstanding. Martha & Jim Costello

Oct 16, 2022
by: James Costello

How did you like the event?


Oct 15, 2022

How did you like the event?

Oct 15, 2022
by: Maureen K Robertson

How did you like the event?

   See above

Oct 15, 2022
by: Howard Lichtenstein
Reviews source: Reviews for New+York+Tenors

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