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Lead Me To The Cross: A Musically Immersed Passion Play

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Event Flyer



The story of Christ’s Passion is one of the most spectacular stories of all time, with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, the witnessing of miracles, the last supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, the arrest and trial of Jesus, the crucifixion, and finally the death and resurrection.


Last year’s Passion Play, The Power Of The Cross, was highly successful and was seen by over 800 people on the evening of Palm Sunday.  This year’s Passion Play is entitled Lead Me To The Cross and will be performed two nights. You can choose from Friday, March 22 at 7:30 PM or Sunday, March 24 at 7:30 PM. This is a major fundraising event for our Parish, with all proceeds going directly to the church. With a fully adult cast, high quality production value and over 20 singers and musicians, this Passion Play is not to be missed.


This year’s new script, brings an interesting approach to the story leading to Christ’s death and resurrection. The music, which is immersed in the show, was specifically chosen, and arranged to highlight certain features of the scenes taking place on our stage, and will evoke an emotional journey for the audience. We will recognize ourselves as followers of Jesus, and like the famous poem “Footprints In The Sand”, which plays a part in our opening scene, we will feel Christ walking beside us and lifting us up through this approach to Christ's Passion. We hope you will join us on His journey!


Tickets are $25 each. There will be a 20 minute intermission. The Passion Play is not appropriate for children under the age of 7. Babes in arms are not allowed and all audience members must have a ticket.

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Lead Me To The Cross: A Musically Immersed Passion Play image

Reviews & ratings


4.9 / 5.0 based on 51 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

   Fantastic performance by all. St. Padre Pio Church has the best choir!

Apr 01, 2024
by: Diane Cugliari

How did you like the event?

Mar 28, 2024
by: Martina Zeppieri

How did you like the event?

   I would definitely attend another performance showcased by this group! An extreme amount of effort went into presenting this performance and it really showed in every aspect of the show! Loved it 👍

Mar 28, 2024
by: Cathy Pennino

How did you like the event?

Mar 28, 2024
by: Paul Tarallo

How did you like the event?

Mar 26, 2024
by: Julie Gamis

How did you like the event?

Mar 26, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

Mar 26, 2024
by: Maria Vasiliou

How did you like the event?

   Very impressed with the production. My husband and I really enjoyed the musical version. Well organized...visuals were great and music was outstanding. Thanks for all your hard work in sharing the story of Christ with us all.

Mar 26, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

Mar 26, 2024
by: Antonella Tersigni

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Dina Grutta

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Frank Comella

How did you like the event?

   Excellent!! My husband and I both appreciated. Great organization by the team. The cast was amazing. They seemed to have done it with great passion. Overall t the hospitality and the music is 💯. Absolutely an event well worth my time.

Mar 25, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Olivia Klimek

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Joseph Sammut

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Monique Seibert

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Gloria Ricci

How did you like the event?

   Amazing performance by all accompanied by powerful music and singing. Well done everyone!

Mar 25, 2024
by: Marie Copat

How did you like the event?

   What a spectacular production! I applaud all of the people involved in this showcase. All of your time and effort were worth it. The singing and music was fantastic. We were all moved by this Passion Play and would definitely come to see it again!

Mar 25, 2024
by: Francesca Sallati

How did you like the event?

     The design of the play was amazing as well as the singing. For the singing and music, I would suggest to turn down the volume a bit. One set of lights lights were pointing toward the for right side of the audience making it hard to see the actors. Hard on the eyes. The wonderful volunteers who did the acting, in general, needed a little more coaching to make the reality of the situation. come alive. But bravo for the enormous effort and tale

Mar 25, 2024
by: Martha Bell

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Adriano Visconti

How did you like the event?

   It was a very professional and moving experience. The music was amazing and the acting was very well done.The overhead projections really added to the effectiveness of the play. George & Rita Boustany

Mar 25, 2024
by: George Boustany

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Stefan Tomasi

How did you like the event?

    and the arrangements perfectly complemented the emotional depth of the narrative. Each note seemed to resonate with the audience, drawing us further into the story of sacrifice and redemption. Equally impressive was the acting by the volunteers. Their dedication and talent shone through in every scene, bringing authenticity and emotion to their portrayals of the characters central to the passion play. From the anguish of Christ's trials to the hope of his resurrection, ea

Mar 25, 2024
by: Lawrence Rigatti

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Annamaria De Fina

How did you like the event?

 My family & I thoroughly enjoyed the production. The acting, the music, and the stage production were excellent.

Mar 25, 2024
by: Maria Giglio

How did you like the event?

     Lead me to the cross was a spectacular play well prepared and acted. Congratulations to all involved in putting this great event together. 🙏🥰

Mar 25, 2024
by: Bruno And Anna Catallo

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Maria Valerio

How did you like the event?

     I loved it.

Mar 25, 2024
by: Mary Cerullo

How did you like the event?


Mar 25, 2024
by: Dawn Romanin

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Teresa Carella

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Clelia Malerba

How did you like the event?

 Spectacular!! Spectacular!! Spectacular!! A must see next year ! Rosanna F

Mar 25, 2024
by: Rosanna Fraccaro

How did you like the event?

 A beautiful and powerful performance. The actors and musicians were outstanding!

Mar 25, 2024
by: Christina Simone

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Carmela Buccella

How did you like the event?

   Beautiful performance. Well produced.

Mar 25, 2024
by: Enza Monti

How did you like the event?

       Absolutely stunning play. Kudos to everyone for such an outstanding and incredible play.

Mar 25, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

       Absolutely fabulous. A professional presentation. Music was top notch. You could tell that many many hours of rehearsals went into that production. There is a special place in our heart for Pontius Pilate…… our friend :)

Mar 25, 2024
by: Dawn Gennaro

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Tony Schirripa

How did you like the event?

   We have such a talented ministry!

Mar 25, 2024
by: Grace Alessi

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Josee GouletKack

How did you like the event?

   Amazing production, amazing performance and music. Congratulations everyone!!!

Mar 25, 2024
by: Joseph Vescio

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Diana Thomas

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Laura Demma

How did you like the event?

   Loved it!

Mar 25, 2024
by: Rosanna Nicolucci

How did you like the event?

  A very professional and emotional performance!!! God Bless all the performers they did an awesome job!

Mar 25, 2024
by: Battiston And Ceolin Families

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Giacinta Leva

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Palmo De Rose

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Natasha Muzzatti

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Cindy Khimji

How did you like the event?

Mar 25, 2024
by: Alyssa Silano

How did you like the event?

   Great music and cast. It was so nice to see a play about The Passion in person.

Mar 25, 2024
by: William Kelly
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