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How can I stop chrome from freezing and not working

How can I stop chrome not working

How can I stop chrome from freezing and not working?


Stop Google Chrome from Freezing and Not Working with these Simple Steps

Google Chrome is one of the best and fantastic web browsers which are used by the users across the globe due to its error-free and security features. But there are many times when Google Chrome freezes or stops responding. There are plenty of possible reasons behind this issue and it is very important to fix it in order to complete your important task on the internet. There are lots of ways in which you can simply fix this problem and this article will help you to fix all sorts of Google Chrome related issues in a step by step procedure.

Follow the steps to fix Google Chrome not responding or working issue:

Solution 1# Update your Chrome

Using an older version of Google Chrome often responsible for multiple issues and if you are facing not responding or freezing issue with Chrome, then you can update your browser via below steps:

  • First of all, open Google Chrome on your computer and then click on the menu icon which is present at the top-right corner side.
  • Now scroll down to the Help section.
  • Click on About option of the Google Chrome.
  • Check if any latest version is available and then update your Chrome to the latest version.

Solution 2# Check your internet connection

Sometimes Chrome does not respond due to improper internet connectivity. So you have to make sure that you have an active internet connection which is must be required to access the multiple features of Google Chrome. You can try another Wi-Fi network or cellular data regarding that.

Solution 3# Disable all the extensions

Unwanted extensions in your Chrome may also, cause for several problems and if you are facing Google Chrome not responding issue, then it means your browser has a malicious or improper extension. You can simply disable such sort of extension and with few minutes easily fix this problem with the help of below steps:

  • Open Chrome on your computer and then type chrome://extensions/ into the search bar and then press the Enter.
  • Now a new page with all the available extensions will be opened and then disable the extensions that you don’t have any need.
  • After that, restart your Chrome to complete the process.

By following the above-listed steps, you can fix Google Chrome not responding issue without any difficulty. In case you still need any kind of assistance or you are not able to fix this issue, then contact the customer service team and get effective support to fix it.


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