Event Flyer

Good Vibes is back in 2024
This brilliant event welcomes all to come and listen to some fantastic ska, 2 Tone and reggae standards by The Harmousz Bandswith guests plus a touch of dancehall; tunes that will get you up on the dance floor.
We have local DJ Dekker on the decks playing some fantastic original ska and reggae on vinyl and compere DJ Country Man
Caribbean food available to eat in or take away

Returns Policy:

All sales are final (No returns)

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

No exchange

Good Vibes - Reggae, Ska, Dancehall & 2 Tone image

Reviews & ratings


4.30 / 5.0 based on 10 reviews

Reviews source: Reviews for Good+Vibes+-+Reggae%2c+Ska%2c+Dancehall+%26+2+Tone

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