Ratings and reviews for:


by Sarah Ruhl

Eurydice image

Reviews & ratings


5.0 / 5.0 based on 9 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

Nov 21, 2023
by: Lisa Altman

How did you like the event?

Nov 21, 2023
by: Noah Nierman

How did you like the event?

   I enjoyed the play and was impressed with the quality of acting.

Nov 20, 2023
by: Patsy Seitz

How did you like the event?

Nov 19, 2023
by: Bethany Nowviskie

How did you like the event?

Nov 16, 2023
by: Alayne Milton

How did you like the event?

   Great production using creative stagecraft.

Nov 16, 2023
by: Robert Martin

How did you like the event?

Nov 15, 2023
by: Alison Trocchia

How did you like the event?

Nov 15, 2023
by: Michael Trocchia

How did you like the event?

     It was such a moving performance. The lead actors, particularly Eurydice and her father, carried the play. They were so engaging at every point in the play. The staging was great, engaging the audience in different ways and different parts of the staging throughout the night. The music and sound really helped move the narrative along and linked different parts. It was more than worth the price of admission. And if you do go look for the evolution of Euridce's clothing.

Nov 15, 2023
by: Susan Facknitz
Reviews source: Reviews for Eurydice

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