Ratings and reviews for:

Escapada In Malta 2023

Event Flyer


04TH - 09TH OCTOBER 2023


We are currently working behind the scenes on your 5 day itinerary to give you the ultimate party experience in Malta.

5 Nights, 1 Resort, 6 Venues, 5 Brand Partners including SGV, Deestraction, 101 Jams, Where People Dance and Latido, 30+ DJs including special guests such as Dxnby and Mike Morrisey

Pool Parties, Beach Club Events, Club Events, After Parties and Boat Parties.

Returns Policy:

All sales are final (No returns)

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

Exchange / upgrade accepted within the same event (no money back) Click here to go to the event

Exchange / upgrade accepted up to 2 hours before the event.

Escapada In Malta 2023 image

Reviews & ratings

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Reviews source: Reviews for Escapada+In+Malta+2023

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