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Elton John Tickets

Ashton Gate, Bristol

Event Flyer

Elton John Tickets - Ashton Gate, Bristol

Elton John plans to go out in the biggest possible way, performing at his very best, with the most spectacular production he’s ever had.  Elton recently commented: “It’s the last time I will be touring and traveling the world… and I can’t wait to see you all one last time. I want to go out with a bang and say thank you and leave people thinking, ‘God I saw the last tour and it was fantastic." Buy Tickets Now To Avoid Disappointment!

Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

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All sales are final (No returns)

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No exchange

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Reviews & ratings


5.00 / 5.0 based on 6 reviews

Reviews source: Reviews for Elton+John+Tickets

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