Ratings and reviews for:

Dragon Room

Event Flyer


Members Please Read

 After you select your seat it will ask you to put in your "Season Pass Number" (Membership) that you received in your email.  You will not be charged the Non-Member $20.00.

Not a member?  Click HERE to enjoy all the benefits.  For only $10.00 more that a single event seat you double your time!

Returns Policy:

Returns accepted up to 24 hours before the event.

Service charges may apply for the return of tickets as follows:

  1. Return for store credit: 0.00% of the ticket price is deducted
  2. Refund to your credit card: 0.00% of the ticket price is deducted

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

Exchange / upgrade accepted within the same event (no money back) Click here to go to the event

Exchange / upgrade accepted up to 2 hours before the event.

Dragon Room image

Reviews & ratings


4.60 / 5.0 based on 65 reviews

Reviews source: Reviews for Dragon+Room

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