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Animated movies, songs, parks, and much more!

Event Flyer

This event is a sample of admission to an amusement park. Similar set up can be used for museums, zoo and other attractions. 


It is set up as a daily recurring event that recurs every day, except Mondays. 


The event is using Ticketor as a POS (point of sales)  to integrated online sales, ticket booth sales, retail location sales and phone Sales. So your sales staff can navigate to the POS page, to sell the tickets at the ticket booth.


This sampl event is set up as a full-day event with no specific time, meaning that the buyer can get admitted anytime during the business hours. However, the easy and flexible scheduler allows for accurate scheduling or server events per day. The scheduler can schedule events on a daily, weekly, monthly, multiple times per day events.


The great advantage of Ticketor for amusement parks is that it comes at no or very low upfront cost and the implementation can be done in minutes.


It is compatible with thermal ticket printers, credit card readers and barcode scanners to print professional hard tickets.


The Ticketor Gate Control app can be used to scan tickets and admit patrons. 


Best for year-around or seasonal amusement parks, museums, zoos, water parks, ...


For more information please check out https://www.ticketor.com/Amusement-Parks 

You can learn more about creating recurring admission with or without time-slots at the below blog and video:

How to create recurring events, classes or booking system with time-slots




Returns Policy:

All sales are final (No returns)

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

Exchange / upgrade accepted within the same event (no money back) Click here to go to the event

Exchange / upgrade accepted up to 1 hours before the event.


Reviews & ratings


5.0 / 5.0 based on 1 reviews

How did you like the event at FFX Theatre?

How did you like the event at FFX Theatre?

 Awesome !

Mar 09, 2025
by: Juan Ticona
Reviews source: Reviews for DISNEY%2c+PIXAR%2c+%26+BEYOND+LIVE+GAME+SHOW

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