Ratings and reviews for:


Miami Vice

Event Flyer

Tickets for Deviant: Miami Vice can be purchased at Deviant.live.


Deviant has partnered with South Florida Black Pride to bring you Miam Vice. It's going to be a night of fun and expression, where everybody is welcome and celebrated. Deviant is an intentionally sexy party, curated for and by Black and Brown Queer people. Expect to dance, drink, mingle because there's no holding the wall here! Get into the body-positive party culture in your best pink gear!



**Please do not purchase Deviant tickets on this website. This ticket page is meant to showcase the Deviant event, and give you information on how to purchase and the event location. To purchase tickets, go to Deviant.live



Returns Policy:

All sales are final (No returns)

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

Exchange / upgrade accepted within the same event (no money back) Click here to go to the event

Exchange / upgrade accepted up to 2 hours before the event.

Deviant image

Reviews & ratings


2.94 / 5.0 based on 33 reviews

Reviews source: Reviews for Deviant

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