Ratings and reviews for:

Decorating The Tree

General Public

Event Flyer

This event is brought to you by Fervent Fire Productions.  Expect a performance by Scott C Lovett & Aflame featuring such songs as Jingle Bells, Let it Snow, O Come O Come Emmanuel, and many more.  


Decorating the Tree consists of stage drama and video work that focuses on the various stresses that occur each holiday season.  It also reveals the hearts and attitudes of the family interactions and the characters involved to reveal the true nature of Christmas in the end.


‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through T-Town

All the people were laughing, not one had a frown.

The tickets were purchased, the seats all reserved

Decorating The Tree, a play, they observed

Music and lights, laughter and fun

Hearts were all glowing when it was done.

But some who delayed were unable to come

So log on to decorating the tree .com

To order your tickets right away 

And find the meaning of Christmas along the way

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All sales are final (No returns)

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No exchange

Decorating The Tree image

Reviews & ratings


5.0 / 5.0 based on 6 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

 Fabulous acting, AWESOME vocalists, & hilarious!!!

Dec 25, 2019
by: Andrea Thompson

How did you like the event?

 This play was hysterical! I laughed so kuch

Dec 23, 2019
by: Heather Berry

How did you like the event?

 loved it

Dec 21, 2019
by: Deborah Camuti

How did you like the event?

 This was so awesome! We all left laughing.

Dec 20, 2019
by: Buyer Retail

How did you like the event?

 It was great! Very funny

Dec 20, 2019

How did you like the event?

Dec 20, 2019
by: Sheryl Spillers
Reviews source: Reviews for Decorating+The+Tree

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