Ratings and reviews for:

Build Your Own Festival

10% off two or more of our first 4 concerts

Event Flyer

Purchase two or more tickets to any of our first two concerts, and get 10% off -- Build the festival experience that works for you.  (The FREE Orchestra Concert at UCLA on 4/28 is not included in this package, but you're welcome to add that to your cart, as well.) Use the code BYOHN24 when you check out to get your discount.


This discount is only available through the third concert of this year's festival.



Returns Policy:

Check return policy for each event in the package.

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

Check exchange / upgrade policy for each event in the package.

Build Your Own Festival image

Reviews & ratings


4.77 / 5.0 based on 31 reviews

Reviews source: Reviews for Build+Your+Own+Festival

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