Ratings and reviews for:

Bethany College


Bethany College is the fast, easy and safe way to find and purchase tickets. You can get information and buy tickets online in a few minutes.

Simply purchase your tickets on your computer or phone, print your tickets or show them on your smartphone and get admitted.

Why use Bethany College

  1. Purchase tickets using your credit/debit card from the comfort of your computer.

  2. Choose Your Price preference and Seat:

    If the event is assigned seat, you can pick your seat on the interactive seating chart.
  3. Fast and easy delivery

    You can simply print your tickets at home or show your e-tickets on your phone to easily get admitted
Bethany College image

Reviews & ratings


4.3 / 5.0 based on 23 reviews

Review your experience with Bethany College

Review your experience with Bethany College

Sep 07, 2024
by: Abigail Lamson

Review your experience with Bethany College

Aug 19, 2024
by: Steven Mank

Review your experience with Bethany College

Feb 17, 2024
by: Dana Beauchamp

Review your experience with Bethany College

Feb 07, 2024
by: Carlton Spencer

Review your experience with Bethany College

Jan 06, 2024
by: Janelle Elliott

Review your experience with Bethany College

   I chose one start because we had a flag that was stolen off of our vehicle. We were in the “visitor parking lot” I don’t understand why this happen but very upset.

Nov 05, 2023
by: Tate Smith

Review your experience with Bethany College

Nov 05, 2023
by: Melinda Burger

Review your experience with Bethany College

Nov 05, 2023
by: Nancy Hargrave

Review your experience with Bethany College

Nov 04, 2023
by: Bettye Bolding

Review your experience with Bethany College


Oct 17, 2023
by: Jim Martin

Review your experience with Bethany College

  Seeing old friends great.  Except for the weather ( Bethany only has limited powers)

Oct 17, 2023
by: John Creed

Review your experience with Bethany College

Oct 17, 2023
by: Mike Dolley

Review your experience with Bethany College

   Great to see everyone and find out about them.

Oct 16, 2023
by: Donna Gerstner

Review your experience with Bethany College

Oct 16, 2023
by: Tami KAISER

Review your experience with Bethany College

Oct 16, 2023
by: Keir Swisher

Review your experience with Bethany College

   Love my Alma Mater

Oct 15, 2023
by: Donelle Sage

Review your experience with Bethany College

Oct 15, 2023
by: Evelyn Wilson

Review your experience with Bethany College

Oct 15, 2023
by: Lori Johnson

Review your experience with Bethany College

Oct 15, 2023
by: Samantha Hernandez

Review your experience with Bethany College

Oct 14, 2023
by: Denise Coughlin

Review your experience with Bethany College

Sep 10, 2023
by: Larry Green

Review your experience with Bethany College

   Was very disappointed to pay $7 a person to watch a game in a stadium that is under construction. With no concession stand.

Aug 29, 2023
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Bethany College

Aug 25, 2023
by: Sherry Hoffman
Reviews source: Reviews for Bethany+College

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