Ratings and reviews for:

Basic Memberships

Event Flyer

We are thrilled to be soon launching the membership portion of The Downlow, a key componant to offering onsite play. 

Our goal is to provide our members with more than just that, we want to create and foster a sexy fun community events, and activities. Essencially a 'real life' version of the most vibrant communities you see online.

We are in the process of determining what our memberships will all encompass.



Soon we will be opening up our Founder's membership level - who's members will be eternally rewarded for helping us create the foundation of our IRL community. The Founders will be a curated group and only offered to certain number of couples ( sorry no singles in the founders group) over a limited time. This type of membership will convert to our permenant levels of membership when the time comes but will always retain the Founders designation entiling them to special perks & privilages. 

If you are interested in applying for our Founders membership email us at [email protected]


Stay tuned for Details on our membership levels (coming soon!)

Returns Policy:

All sales are final (No returns)

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

Exchange / upgrade accepted within the same event (no money back) Click here to go to the event

Exchange / upgrade accepted up to 2 hours before the event.

Basic Memberships image

Reviews & ratings


4.67 / 5.0 based on 6 reviews

Reviews source: Reviews for Basic+Memberships

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